The day started out COLD!
The furnace hadn’t been turned on
in the RV so it was cold inside as
well as out!
I watched people getting ready to leave the St. Barbe RV
Center in the morning, wearing winter coats.
As we rolled down the road the weather warmed up, the sun
came out brighter, and the scenery was gorgeous! We went from having the heater on, to opening
the windows to get some cooler air.
We stopped at the Arches Provincial Park since we had missed
it on the way up to St. Barbe.
The Arches were spectacular.
We drove on and made a couple more stops just to take in the
landscapes around us. It felt like old
man winter had left us for good.
We eventually rolled into the Gateway to the North
Campground in Deer Lake, NL where everyone was in shirt sleeves or light
sweaters. Quite a contrast from early
this morning!
Submitted by Bill and Sheila Martin
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