Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 36 - Bonavista, NL


We begin our tour day in the town of Ellison, Newfoundland.

This is the ‘Root Cellar’ Capital of the World! There are 135 root cellars in Ellison – more than any place on earth. The oldest is from 1839. These are the substitute for the modern day refrigerator, keeping vegetables at their peak temperature and humidity. Many are still in use today, storing vegetables for most of the year. 


‘Debi and Tome check out the root cellar.’


We then travel to the Puffin Bird Sanctuary at Maberly.


This is home to thousands of cute little Puffins that come here year after year to breed and raise their young. If you remain still, the curious little birds will approach you.

‘Gretta relaxes in the Puffin Lounge!’

After lunch, we visit the historic town of Port Union.

Established by Sir William Coaker in 1918, it housed ship building facilities, wood shops, a print shop, a company store, and its own power plant, as well as the offices for the Fisherman’s Protection Union. We toured ‘The Bungalow’, the Croaker home. 


The home contains a treasure trove of artifacts from Sir Wm’s lifetime. 

We also tour the Historical Museum and the company plant.

 Submitted by:

#7 Debi & Bob Kint

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