Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 38 -Twillingate, NL


After listening to the pitter patter of rain on the roof during the night we all donned our rain gear and headed out for the day.
Capt Dave came out to greet us as we arrived at Prime Berth.

Prior to our tour we had a bit of time for shopping. Here Monti is checking out Linda’s possible purchase.

We were split into 2 groups. Group 1 started their day in the Museum where Bill, brought us up to date on the fishing situation in NL. Following that he entertained us with a few “Newfie” songs. 

Monti spent some time with Dave honing his skills on the guitar.

Then our groups switched and we went out to the “stage” to learn how to flatten a “real” cod fish for salting.

Capt Dave pointed out the delicacies that can be gleaned from each fish– the breeches, the tongue and the cheeks. 

While there we experienced more driving rain. 

A Whale Tale – A whale was found deceased on the shore not far from Capt Dave’s place. He dragged it to an island where the birds and other animals cleaned it up for him. After about 3 years it was ready for assembly. He put it together at his fishing cove for all his visitors to enjoy.


Next stop was the Durrell Museum which was built to showcase the work of the Arm Lad brigade. These young fellows were so well trained that they didn’t require any further training to take part in the world war.

An interesting video as well as a real polar bear were also featured.

A typical early kitchen.

Never know what’s under the seat

A bath anyone


The view from the museum overlooking the town of Durrell.

A visit to the Auk winery where Greg explained how they make wines using local berries and fruit. These include blueberries, crowberries, partridgeberries, bakeapple, rhubarb etc.

Our day was topped off with a concert by the Split Peas, a group of 7 local ladies who have been singing together for almost 20 years.

We were treated to a Newfie “kitchen party” with a wonderful selection of local music. The Mummers(masked visitors who visit homes around Christmas time. If you can guess who they are they have to take off their masks. 

Allen, among othergot to participate in the 2-step with one of them.

All in all, a busy but entertaining day!!!!

Submitted by:
 #2 Lorna & Rodger Scott